June 1st

Thank you Elmedina for posting about the homeless mom and her 3 month old baby and for getting them a hotel room for two nights. Thank you Jasmina for connecting the mom with United Way social worker.

Last night we made sure the mom and the baby had food. Mom said she hasnt ate anything in two days so we made sure to order some food for her. Today we took formula, baby wipes, diapers, clothes and a blanket for the mom. Many of you have asked to help and it’s such a blessing. We will be working together with United Way to help this single mom.

1. Priority is to get her back to her apartment (if not possible in two days we will pay for more nights at the hotel)

2. Pay back due utilities

3. Get her a phone so caseworker and us can get hold of her

4. Get furniture for the apartment

5. Get more baby items and clothes for mom (right now they have all they can carry or keep at the hotel)

If you decide to donate specifically for this mom make sure to write on your donation whonits for and what part you would like to contribute to. We as the organization will not give cash to anyone. We can only purchase items and deliver.


United way is working on covering her utilities and phone if possible. I will contact House of Goods for the furniture when it’s time or if someone has furniture they would like to donate we can connect you with mom when time comes. We have plenty of baby formula & clothes. However more diapers and wipes will be needed& hygiene products for the mom,

There will be other things for home but that will come later.

*****Update!!!! On single mom and her 3 month old baby girl!!!

1. She will spend the night tonight in the hotel

2. United Way has paid her utilities

3. Tomorrow she will get to her apartment which will be temporary (it’s a one bedroom) if anyone knows a 3 bedroom apartment that will take section 8 please let us know. Mom has two other children and one bedroom apartment is too small. She has been approved for section 8 voucher for 3 bedroom apartment

4. We do not need furniture at the moment until we get her into a larger apartment

5. Tomorrow RukaNade will go and buy groceries, hygiene products, baby items, bedding and comforter, towels and other small necessities for the apartment.

Thank you all for your online donations, we will put them to use right away.

6. Few ppl have reached out wanting to get diapers so we will take those ASAP size 2

7. Mom does need clothes: pants size 10, top medium, shoes 7

8. We do not need more baby clothes at the moment (we have plenty at the warehouse and due to trying to get a bigger place we will keep this at minimum)

9. Once we get the family settled in we will work with United Way to get other government assistants & a job for mom with childcare


You probably have been following the story of a single mom & and her 3 month old baby and we have an update for you. First we will write what was done today then what the next step is.

We want to thank all of you who have donated yesterday, thanks to you we were able to buy all of this.

Today we made sure we got an Uber for them from the hotel to the apartment. United Way has paid for the utilities and the apartment is section 8 (paid by the government) however it is temporary and we need to reunite the family in a bigger space. Mom has two other children. She is approved for 3 bedroom apartment so if any of our friends can help find them a nice 3 bedroom apartment that accepts section 8 we would appreciate the help.

After making sure they got safely to the apartment we went and bought everything they need: vacuum cleaner, cleaning supplies, 4 boxes of diapers, big box of baby wipes, water for the baby, laundry detergent & softener, toilet paper, paper towels, towels, blanket, bedding, comforter, bathroom set, shower liner, baby shampoo, lotion, diaper cream, pillows, laundry basket, hygiene and hair care product & food.

They do have some items from yesterday’s donation and few things that were in the apartment.

We also took gently used clothes and shoes for the mom.

Next step:

1. Mom has to apply for government phone so we all can reach her

2. Reunite family

3. Mom has to look for a place

3. Once a place has been secured we will work on furnishing the place

4. Going back to work & securing daycare