We had an amazing day today!! We share what we have with others and others share with us!

Another Target employee Ema Smajic has chosen us to be a gift card recipient. This time we got $250 gift card which we used to buy hygiene products for families at a local homeless shelter.

12 packs of sanitizing wipes

3 laundry detergents

3 fabric softeners

4 men deodorant

9 women deodorant

3 boxes of diapers sizes 4,5,6

21 shampoo

57 Razors

11 baby shampoo/ wash

Thank you so much we are all one team

Thank you Target for donating a $500 gift card so we can buy some new items for homeless families.

Thank you Adna Hatic for advocating on our behalf with your place of employment. Thank you for choosing us to be the recipients of this gift card.

With this gift card we were able to get:

24 packs of Baby Wipes (2400 wipes)

140 pairs of socks

27 hand sanitizers

133 girl undies

100 boxer/ briefs